Our Library (Kyle George)

On the library orientation video I learned many different things about our school library. The first time I want into the library I had no clue on how to find a book or where the different books were. Now that I have watched the video I can go to the computer and search where the book will be and if it is in stock or if it is checked out. I will now save my self so much time when going into the library because I will have the books right at my fingertips. If I don’t know the complete name of the author or the complete name of the book I will be able to just put in the words that I do know and it will help me find what I need. If I have a question for the library I also found out that I can just email one of the librarians and they will get back to me as soon as they get the email. The search bar on the internet will let me search for a whole genre of books. If I look for fishing it will give me all the books that have to do with fishing or are about fish themselves it is so great and helpful for students at this school.

Library Tutorial Quiz (Samantha Rebholz)

Library Orientation Quiz 


1. Choose one of the following authors to use as an author search in our online catalog: Jon Stewart; 2) Jane Smiley; 3) Toni Morrison; 4) Stephen King. Circle the author you chose.  Number 4

What is the first title listed?___________Doctor sleep : a novel ___________  
What is the call number?____PS3561.1483 D65 (new book) ______

2. Choose one of the following titles to use as a title search in our online catalog: 1) A Million Little Pieces 2) The Grapes of Wrath 3) I Am America. Circle the author you chose. 
Who is the author?______________Colbert,Stephen _____________ 
What is the call number?____1992.77.c58128 ________

 3. Choose one of the following words do an anywhere search for titles in our online catalog: 

1) fishing and Shenandoah  2) flowers and Monticello  3) acid and rain 
How many titles did your search retrieve?___one______ 
Write down one of the titles that were retrieved. _ The flower ground and shown at monticello _____

 4. What is the Library of Congress Classification System call number for these topics? (Try the links on the Library Orientation page)  
Psychology ___BF ___  
American literature____PS___  

5. Number the following call numbers in the correct order:  (Try the links on the Library Orientation page) 

_2_DA 502 .F75                 __3_P 1689 .M773           _1__DA 502 .F6                 _4_PS 3568 .M42

6.   Using the Academic Search Complete online periodical database, Select Subject Terms from the drop down menu. Enter the terms emotional and intelligence in the Search Box and click SEARCH .  Click on the box to limit your search to Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals. Select one of the articles to complete the following questions:

 What is the title of the article?_____A comparative study of intelligence quotient and emotional intelligence ___________ 

What is the title of the periodical (Source)?_______ Effect on employed______ 

Is the article available in full-text?___nope ___

7.  Using the Subject Guide to Online Periodical Databases, select a database appropriate to your major or hobby, and type in the Search Box a topic of interest to you. Select one of the articles to complete the following questions. 

What is the title of the article?_________Dr.Bruno Goussault ___________

 What is the title of the periodical?________Business wire ___________

 Is the article available in full-text?_yes ___


8. Choose one periodical title from the Library Periodical Holdings list. 
The periodical name: __The American biology teacher__ this web site has a lot of author to feature ,Harvard and barley_________  What years does the library own the periodical: Online? __3/2012___  In print? ____current____

9. Using the Subject Guide to Online Reference Sources, Choose Encyclopedias and Almanacs from the table at the top, and then choose one of the encyclopedias listed. Enter the term basques in the Search Box and click SEARCH. Select one of the articles to complete the following questions. 
Which encyclopedia did you use?________bartly.com _________  Write something you learned about the Basques:_____learn it is a flu and that makes people sick______________

10. Choose a website on any topic, write the URL here ____Web.wdscohost.com______  and evaluate the site using the four questions from the Evaluating Web Sites handout. 
 Point 1:  _________________ There is a lago top right corner____________ 

 Point 2:  _______________Top lefted____________________________

 Point 3:  _____________ Cilinary arts______________________________ 

 Point 4:  __________________January 1 2012 _________    


Evan Huff

I learned from the online library orientation that the resources available for students to use is almost endless. Any student can search for whatever kind of paper they would want to look at. Academic journals are available, magazines, books, and even newspapers. You can even break down your search to titles or authors and even the call number if you know it. If there is information that a person needs to access and does not know how to, they can ask a librarian for help. If the book a person is looking for is not available or is checked out, the person can get the books information, give it to the librarians and they can have it usually delivered by the next day. With the academic search complete, a person can look up the information they need and if they do not know how to cite their information, there is a button on the left side of the screen that will even cite the information for you. Then all you have to do is copy and paste it onto your reference page. The library’s web page has any help a student would ever need for writing a paper or any work for class. I was very shocked at the information available for students to use on the library’s web page. If I ever need help with my papers or looking for books, the best place to go is to the library’s web page.    

Resources from the library that I learned about were how to find a book located in the library. Also what the call number is on the book and to ask the librarian if I need help because they know everything about the library. I also learned how to find a good encyclopedia or another source that I may need on the computer. I learned how to find any type of book that I want.


It’s very easy to look up books using the Blue Ridge Community College library. All you have to do is type it in the search bar and it will find the books you are looking for. You can search by titles, authors, key words, or anything. Its easy to use.

Week 11: What did you learn about resources available through the library?


1. go to http://www.brcc.edu

2. click on “library”

3. under “Research Resources” click on “Library Orientation”

4. under “Tutorial” click on “BRCC’s Houff Library online tutorial”

5. watch tutorial (27 minutes)

6. when you finish the orientation tour, get the quiz from Indigo. Complete quiz. (quiz is also available online on the same page as the library orientation tour)

 7. Blog Post: what did you learn about resources available at the library? Make sure your blog post is clean and only contains your response to the prompt. If your post contains the string of code, you will lose points. You can clean up your post by clicking on “edit.”

Plagiarism Videos




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Summary of videos

The first couple of videos told a little bit about what plagiarism is and how it can affect your life if you are caught plagiarizing. The last video exposed a journalist for lying about plagiarizing. He denied it at first but then came clean and said that he did commit plagiarism. In the first video it talked about a young lady that just graduated high school and was caught plagiarizing Megan McCafferty, a childhood inspiration of hers. The young lady said it was an honest mistake and that she never to do it but it’s to tell with some of her words being the same as McCafferty.

Response of videos

Personally I think it was an honest mistake because she probably got caught up in her writing and the words just started flowing and flowing. Once you get in a groove like that like it’s hard to think about anything except your write. I have no words for the journalist because he knew what he was doing and it was wrong but yet he still did anyway. The second would really help people, by teaching them things they can do so they aren’t plagiarizing anyone else’s work.

William Conley



                                                                                Plagiarism Summary


                In the first video where Katie Couric interviews the Harvard student Kaavya Viswanathan about her using someone else’s work and words in her book without properly siting them.  She said that she didn’t knowingly use the other woman’s word because she hadn’t read the books since high school and that she was going to fix all of the ideas that weren’t hers.  In the second video it is the students and staff of York St John University giving examples of plagiarism.  In the last video Howard Kurtz talks to Michael Moynihan about how an author names Jonah Lehrer Lies about his quotes and that they were right and all of them were made up.  Lehrer took parts of other work and quotes that were said before and used them in his book.


                                                                                Plagiarism Response



                My response to these three videos about plagiarism is that if you decide to use someone else’s work that it need to be properly cited.  It is very easy to use someone else’s work and not quote it correctly.  Kaavya Viswanathan acted like was very sorry and didn’t mean to use the other lady’s work.  Jonah Lehrer on the other had knew that what he did was wrong and that he shouldn’t have done it.  If Michael Moynihan wouldn’t have found the mistakes and the plagiarism Lehrer would have never said that he knew he was wrong that he was sorry for doing it. 

DeVante Dean Hayes


                The point of these videos is to show us that we need to take our time and write a story or an essay cause if not at the end of the day you will feel like you need to look up whatever you are doing the story on. Even if it’s a little off word you still need to see or even bookmark where you got it from so that any confusion can be revised. If you do these things you can avoid all the hassle of people trying to research and see where you got it from. People get in a lot of trouble for doing these things.


                I think that people take these things way out of context yeah sure she could be lying about the whole not knowing that she wrote it just like that but still if she’s deeply sorry and is offering to change it then people should just get off her back about it there’s way more things America could be worrying about than a couple words in a story are the same but said differently. I could tell that the girl was very sorry that it was a mistake that she made and she owned up to it. People live to see others fall to the ground that’s their job but geez.   





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I watched the videos on plagiarism and the effects of it. I watched one video on a woman who went to an Ivy League college and she wrote a book that she thought was totally her ideas that came from her head, but later she found out that she plagiarize her favorite author’s books. They said she was accused of 29 counts of plagiarism but the other author accused her of 40 counts of it. Plagiarism is where you use other people’s ideas and you either use it as your own thought or you would paraphrase it to sound like your work without citing it.




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In my opinion is that plagiarism is hard to not do, many things have either already been said or done. Sometimes you can be writing a paper and it can be called plagiarism because it could sound like something someone else written.  I do agree that you should cite your work if you do a research paper or a very important paper. I never got in trouble for plagiarism so I think that it is just a little thing, the only problem I ever had was citing but that is easy to do.